
We perform design adequacy calculations for offshore structures. This page lists three of our past projects. 

Jacket Transport

Three jackets were transported on one single ship. The challenge was to optimize weight on each barge and strengthen its bulkheads locally to pass the criteria at critical locations. An extensive finite elements analysis was performed. Numerous iterations were necessary until technical solutions were found, allowing the three barges to resist the massive overhang of 30m each side of the ship.

Submersible Drilling Barge Hull Strength Analysis

This was existing submersible drilling barge in use for last 30 years. The requirement was to assess the structural strength adequacy for increasing operating depth from 20 ft to 24 ft. The structure of the barge was analysed in static condition, with the maximum drilling and top sides loads, barge supported at the bottom on soft soil. Multiple tank filling configurations have been simulated in order to capture the most onerous cases for the structure.

Structural Optimization of the Master Skid

The master skid is one of the heaviest components of the DES. The objective is to determine optimum reduction in overall weight of the Master Skid keeping structural integrity same as existing structure.